Pnevma Prime/A-100' spawns after room A-100
Pnevma Prime looks like pnevma but blue and has glowing blu-ish cyan eyes
After a Pnevma dies, it has a chance that your flashlight flickers right after it, this chance is only 10% due to how dangerous this could be as it is not able to be outran. The Pnevma will form itself back together. After it is formed together, it shakes, and then turns blue, and their eyes will turn blue, which means Pnevma Prime has spawned. Pnevma Prime will target the person that killed it before it was a prime if it has died from a locker, unless it is distracted by another player. It is dangerous because it is faster than a player sprinting, which means you can't outrun it. Happy Scribble and Insidae can't kill it, but Insidae Prime can, because they're both primes. It can be killed if you slam a locker on it twice. Unlike Pnevma, it is silent, meaning it won't make clicking sounds, but when chasing a player, it will still make giggling sounds.
How to Survive[]
When a Pnevma dies, check if your flashlight is flickering. If so, run away from the Pnevma if you're the one who killed it, but if you're not the one who killed it, just turn your flashlight off, BUT DO NOT MAKE ANY NOISE. It can hear anything except non-running footsteps. Pnev-mask sounds are included. [1]